Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gundam Wing Quotes and Sayings

                               GUNDAM WING QUOTES

  • I've never seen any miracles, but i've sure seen lots of dead people.

    Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)

  • History is much like an endless waltz; the three beats of war, peace, and revolution continue on forever.

    Mariemaia Kushrenadam (Gundam Wing)

  • I'm much more composed than you are right now. If
    one makes a decision with a cool head, he won't find himself regretting
    that decision later on.

    Zechs Merquise (Gundam Wing)

  • I wouldn't mind if you want to kill me, but I might struggle a bit

    Trowa Burton (Gundam Wing)

  • There's no need to hurry. history will repeat itself.

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • Humans need a higher system than God.

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • Heero: I can't stand the weak. They're always
    nervous about when they might be next attacked. They can't trust
    anybody and they never have an opinion of their own. I can't stand such

    Zechs Marquise: Strong people make them that way!

    Heero: Zechs, nobody is strong. All of humanity is weak . . . and that includes us as well.

    Heero Yuy and Zechs Marquise (Gundam Wing)

  • With a fancy gun that has long forgotten the
    meaning of battle, I would feel no emotion, even if I were to shoot an
    enemy right through the heart.

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • In that case, your battles will never end...since your enemy is destiny itself.

    Zechs Merquise (Gundam Wing)

  • There is nothing more noble and beautiful than a warrior with no distractions. One could say he is the closest thing to God.

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • When wars are dehumanized both victory and defeat become miserable, and God no longer lends a helping hand.

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • Winners of a battle will eventually decline in power and become losers, and those losers will cultivate a new leader.

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • Wars aren't started by God, but by people. What people begin...People must end for themselves.

    Sister Helen (Gundam Wing)

  • Depends on his looks. If he's ugly, let him live.

    Lady Une (Gundam Wing)

  • One must take part in the battle to see its true beauty.

    Lady Une (Gundam Wing)

  • As it is now, there's only one name I could give myself... killer of his own men.

    Zechs Merquis/Milliardo Peacecraft (Gundam Wing)

  • Earth and Space... the two co-exist and form a pattern of conflict.

    Zechs Merquis/Milliardo Peacecraft (Gundam Wing)

  • It's taken me thirteen years to return to these
    grounds. Father, forgive your son... I have only been able to live a
    life that counters your teachings in pacifism. My hands, they are too
    stained with blood... I am completely unfit to lead the Peacecraft
    Monarchy... but maybe she can.

    Zechs Merquis/Milliardo Peacecraft (Gundam Wing)

  • So this is their little 'battle seed', all ready to sprout into new battles?

    Zechs Merquis/Milliardo Peacecraft (Gundam Wing)

  • My beloved Lady, you were right all along...

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • Valuable combat resources? Are you talking about our soldiers, or about mobile suits?

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • I'll go where ever my mind takes me.

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • From a historical point of view, warriors who have
    lost what they were protecting, and further betrayed by those they were
    protecting, are losers.

    Treize Khushrenada (Gundam Wing)

  • Peace is nothing but a result of war...

    Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing)

  • If the whole world has gone crazy, then I'll believe in myself and keep on fighting. Quatre... I will kill you..

    Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing)

  • So why do people fight anyway? Perhaps the meaning
    of human existence lies within their will to fight. People feel a sense
    of accomplishment through battle. And it's also a fact that the ones
    who are actually fighting are never perceived as being tainted...

    Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing)

  • How many more times must I kill that girl and her dog? Zero will not tell me anything. Tell me, Wufei!

    Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing)

  • People who want to die, hurry up and die. You're wasting air.

    Professor G (Gundam Wing)

  • All wars lead directly to peace. Wars are started by humans and end with humans so we chose to target only the dangerous.

    Doctor J (Gundam Wing)

  • Surrender? I think you've misunderstood something. This is no surrender. This is an execution!

    Alex (Gundam Wing)

  • Treize: Then let me ask you, who's your enemy? Is
    it me? Or OZ? Or is it the Romefeller Foundation? Or is it your faraway
    home, the colonies that betrayed you?

    Heero: Those who stand before me with the intention of killing me. They are my enemies.

  • Don't worry, Relena. Life comes cheaply.. especially mine.

    Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing)

  • I'm not asking you to trust me or anything, but right now, I'm the only friend you've got.

    Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)

  • War is peace.

    Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing)

  • Without fighting, nothing can be created.

    Lady Une (Gundam Wing)

  • If you're not stubborn, you can't get far in life.

    Professor G (Gundam Wing)

  • That's funny. It seems I have tears in my eyes... but I'm not one bit sad.

    Quatre Raberba Winner (Gundam Wing)

  • If we weren't idiots, we wouldn't be soldiers.

    Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)

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